Mobile App
Our client is the leading provider of AI-driven apartmentmarketing solutions nationwide in the United States and haspartnered with property management companies for over 18 years tocreate and boost renting results. The company’s comprehensiveportfolio addresses the full life cycle of today’s renter,demonstrating tangible results that maximize ROI. Solutionsdeliver more qualified leads, nurture prospects, boost onlinereputation and star ratings, improve resident satisfaction, andgenerate more leases for multifamily apartment companies.

Business context
The product helps managing community amenities and events.Properties can control hours of operation, time slots, party size,capacity limitations, and when residents can schedule time. Withthe variety of available settings, properties can configureblocking hours for cleaning, can set up a waitlist to reduce theload for amenities or block residents that violated their terms ofuse.
Residents can book their favorite amenities or attend an event injust a few clicks, in a way that is the most sufficient for them:from the chatbot on their property website or from a mobile app,and they will be informed about any changes to the schedule, getreminded about the upcoming reservations and stay tuned for thefuture events.

Product description
The product helps managing community amenities and events. Properties can control hours of operation, time slots, party size, capacity limitations, and when residents can schedule time. With the variety of available settings, properties can configure blocking hours for cleaning, can set up a waitlist to reduce the load for amenities or block residents that violated their terms of use.
Residents can book their favorite amenities or attend an event in just a few clicks, in a way that is the most sufficient for them: from the chatbot on their property website or from a mobile app, and they will be informed about any changes to the schedule, get reminded about the upcoming reservations and stay tuned for the future events.

The Solution
In collaboration with the Intercode team, the scheduling tool was designed in the following way: for managers, as a part of the main website, we provided a micro frontend that allows to configure community amenities and events, monitor and manage reservations on the calendar and see key metrics on reports; for residents, we have provided two ways of managing their own reservations: from a cross platform mobile app and from a chatbot widget, that is integrated to the property websites
All the data is stored in a single data source, that allow to reflect any changes immediately on the website, chatbot widget and mobile app. In order to keep residents informed about any changes to their reservations, we use email notifications along with the mobile push notifications.
The Technologies

The result
Intercode's dedicated team was able to release the initial version of the application within the specified time, and subsequently release the necessary updates as a response to the pandemic challenges in a timely manner. 'The speed of response to alerts, as well as the user experience when working with them, have improved significantly for users.